Golf Sportwagen IS20 Install Turbo Upgrade!

Dan finally gets to install the GTI's IS20 into his MK7.5 Golf Sportwagen. It's a great little hand-me-down from the 2.0L Golf GTI. This brings the power levels of the Sportwagen close to "stage 2" of the GTI with some E30 ethanol blended fuel. The sportwagen is slowly losing it's Slowagen status.

This process is identical for all 4 cylinder 1.8L or 2.0L MQB cars which includes the Audi A3, Audi S3, Volkswagen Golf, Volkswagen Golf GTI, Volkswagen Golf R!

We skipped over the removal of the downpipe as we have a separate Unitronic downpipe install video (check out the previous video). Otherwise this is a comprehensive video on how to remove an IS12 and install an IS20 in any of the MQB platform cars (2015-2021). That includes the A3, S3, Golf, Golf GTI, Golf R, Alltrack, and Sportwagen.

I highly recommend you buy an IS20/IS38 turbo install kit from FCP euro. This will give you a bunch of new o-rings, gaskets, and hardware to make sure your new turbo is running leak free.

Link to turbo install kit:

00:00 - Intro
00:38 - Engine Cover and Intake Removal
00:53 - Remove coil packs and disconnect shared harnesses
01:11 - Remove PCV hose and turbo inlet
01:35 - Remove auxiliary coolant line
02:21 - Remove upstream o2 harness
02:35 - Remove turbo heatshield
03:16 - Remove oil feed line
03:49 - Remove front coolant line
04:21 - Loosen charge pipe from turbo outlet
04:38 - Remove rear coolant line
05:09 - Remove oil drain
05:21 - Remove turbo support bracket
05:37 - Loosen Turbine housing from Head (12mm Nuts)
06:05 - Loosen oil drain and pull turbo
07:11 - Finally pulling the turbo out
07:36 - Swapping diverter and turbo outlet to new IS20/IS38
08:10 - Discussing replacement hardware
09:42 - Fuel pump fuse pulled for priming oil to turbo
11:15 - Test passes with E30 and the IS20

Add HP/TQ to a VAG Car without compromising warranty?

Teespring Merch (This stuff is mediocre, don't buy it):

As always thanks for watching and check us out on other social media platforms!

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#hardwaylearning #slowagen #is20
VW Golf jb4 Is20 golf sportwagen vw sportwagen is20 upgrade sportwagen golf is20 install install is20 golf sportwagen is20 jb4 jb4 e30 is20 sportwagen jb4 gsw is20 jb4 gsw e30 is20 install gsw is20 install golf sportwagen is20 install tsi vw sportwagen is20 install installing is20 golf sportwagen installing is20 gsw 4motion is20 install alltrack turbo alltrack turbo upgrade bigger turbo alltrack bigger turbo sportwagen alltrack is20
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