Refinishing Hardwood Floors // START TO FINISH

This DIY refinishing hardwood floors tutorial is all about how to refinish hardwood floors from start to finish. Refinishing hardwood floors yourself can be difficult but this tutorial shows you the step by step process on how to do so from drum sanding, to finish sanding, to sealing and finish with Bona Traffic HD. Bring Your Own Tools (#BYOTools 145).

HUGE thank you to HOOVER for sponsoring this week's video. If interested in leaning more about their amazing Smart Wash technology, please check out the following link:

Material List:

Tool List:

Apparel List:

Studio, Video & Audio Equipment Setup:

Min0:00 - Venice Beach: Topher Mohr & Alex Elena
Min21:26 - Pata Pata: Miriam Makeba (Matt Cherne Remix)

#byot #accentwall #diy #howto
DIY how to tutorial do it yourself start to finish byotools bring your own tools byot refinishing hardwood floors yourself Refinishing Hardwood Floors how to refinish hardwood floors diy refinishing hardwood floors hardwood floor refinishing floor sanding diy floor sanding wood floors wood flooring sanding and refinishing hardwood floors sanding hardwood floors refinishing hardwood floors diy floor sander wood floor transformation hardwood floor restoration
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