Two Grown Men on a Tiny Motorbike?...Edd China’s Workshop Diaries Ep 33

And I'm 6'7'' (2m) tall! It was when we got it running that the trouble started.... My mate asked me to help him get rid of an old, non-runner Monkey Bike-a-like lurking at the back of his storage unit, so I thought I might as well see if I could get it running. With Paul Brackley in the workshop to lend a hand, what could possibly go wrong?

Edd China's Workshop Diaries Episode 33 - More fun than two middle aged men should have on a teeny, tiny paddock motorbike!

For more information, or to buy my Ansell gloves, use these links:-

Buy our new Big Mugs and a signed copy of my book, click here:

For the Milwaukee tools used in this episode, follow these links:
Ratchet and Socket set - +AND+SOCKET+SETS&utm_id=RATCHET+AND+SOCKET+SETS

A huge thanks to those of you that have already become ‘Patreons’, it is brilliant to have you on board. For those interested in joining our happy throng, you can support the show directly, by going to:

A big Woohoo! to my production pixies for wrangling these silly video pixels into an even sillier episode and manhandling the cameras, lights and edit machines to pull together another ridiculous episode.

Huge thanks to my brand partners who are supporting the channel; to find out more about them, please go to our website:

…and if your company has a cool or interesting product or process that you think the audience would like to find out more about, please do also get in touch.

So, grab a family size snack and a supersized drink from your local drive-through and kick back for this weeks episode!

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If your company would like to get involved as a commercial partner, please contact [email protected]
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Discovery workshop Milwaukee Tools Wheeler Dealers Ansell Gloves ed china Edd China edd china wheeler dealers edd china’s garage revival edd china’s workshop diaries garage revival practical classics velocity wheeler dealers edd china wheeler dealers s13 workshop diaries Pit Bike top tips ed china workshop diaries Honda Monkey Bike Monkey Bike Madness bike Paddock Bike AskEdd questions monkey bike riding monkey bike honda Paul Brackley
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