ASPP Weihai test drive experience in China - Duyunov Motors Project

ASPP Weihai test drive experience in China
Duyunov Motors Project
The film crew of the Duyunov Engines project during their stay in China tested the equipment on which the Slavyanka motors with combined windings and ASPP Weihai controllers are installed.

Alexander Sudarev personally took a ride on Chinese roads on a K-Cross motorcycle with a DA-100S engine (rated power 5 kW), as well as on a small electric passenger car with a DA-112S engine. He shared his impressions of travel, noting easy acceleration, comfortable handling, economy and power of the technique, which easily overcomes uphill climbs.

After the test drive, Alexander Sudarev interviewed Viktor Arestov and ASPP Weihai partner Dmitry Dzhumka. They talked about the technical characteristics and features of the electric bike and other vehicles with DA engines, their potential and future projects.



Music Titel: Upbeat Corporate Full
Künstler: Carvine (Paul Keane)
Lizenziert an YouTube durch: HAAWK for a 3rd Party; HAAWK Publishing
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