"Dorzilla and Leviathan all episodes plus Bonus" - Cartoons about tanks

All episodes with voice acting and subtitles. In this cartoon, you will see the story of Leviathan and the iron monster named Dorzilla. Two steel giants converge in an uncompromising tank battle. Leviathan will win, and Dorzilla will be practically destroyed. After the battle with Leviathan, this high-tech iron giant will be located at a nuclear power plant, where by coincidence it will become an even more powerful tank. Here is the storyline of this video. In general, if you like tanks and cartoons, then I hope that this video will interest you. Subscribe to the Valhalla Toons channel in order not to miss new episodes and, of course, thanks for watching! #valhalla_toons #dorzilla #leviathan #tanks #cartoons_about_tanks
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