The A70 Incident: Scotland's Extraterrestrial Abduction Mystery (Paranormal & Mystery)

On the 17th of august 1992, on two men were driving along the A70 road from Edinburgh to Tarbarx, at around 10pm (the times are debated). The driver of the vehicle was Garry Wood, a 33-year-old ambulance technician. The passenger was his friend, 25-year-old Colin Wright. The pair were heading out of Edinburgh, along the A70. They were going to deliver a satellite system to their friend, who lived about 40 minutes away in Tarbarx, which is a small village in east Lanarkshire. It was on this journey that the lives of these two men would change forever, when theyencountered a strange object in the sky and a nightmare filled therapy session later on.

Urquhart, F. (2012) MoD took alien abduction of Scots duo seriously, according to secret file []
Hamilton, T. (2009) Scotland's biggest UFO mystery comes to light in startling new book []
Deadline news (2012) MoD documents reveal filmworthy alien abduction []
Lowth, M. (2020) The A70 Incident – Alien Abduction On A Scottish Road []
McAlpine, D. (2020) The terrifying tale of the 'A70 incident' - Edinburgh's own alien abduction case []

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Spanos, N.P., Burgess, C., Burgess, M., Samuels, C. and Blois, W. (1999) Creating false memories of infancy with hypnotic and non‐hypnotic procedures. Applied Cognitive Psychology. Volume 13, Issue 3. (SICI)1099-0720(199906)13:3201::AID-ACP5653.0.CO;2-X
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a70 jets ufo Mystery Alien scotland unidentified flying object extraterrestrial Ministry of Defence government ancient astronauts edinburgh declassified abduction a70 incident malcom robertson garry wood colin wright regression timeskip tarbrax alien influence
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